Jessa Duggar Wedding, The Duggars, all 21 of them, have a word for their unusually large family: “normal.” In an interview with The Wire, four of the older Duggar women — 20-something daughters Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Jana — used the word often to explain the reasoning behind their new book, Growing Up Duggar. Its a book about relationships, including romantic ones. But the Duggars, who follow a particular branch of conservative evangelical Christianity, dont date. They court. “Were even saving our first kiss,” Jessa Duggar told The Wire in an interview, “for our wedding day.” With such a different way of being, can the Duggars teach us anything about ourselves, as theyd very much like to do? To crib a relationship status none of the Duggars will ever use on Facebook, its complicated.Continue Reading...
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