Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Transformers Caps A Long History Of Movie Robots

Transformers Caps A Long History Of Movie Robots, A 1919 Harry Houdini film introduced automatons – then 1927s “Metropolis” set the template., Transformers: Age of Extinction opened this weekend to over $300 million worldwide, proving that humans are still programmed to love robots at the box office. Movie robots were first introduced in 1919s Harry Houdini-starring The Master Mystery (back in the days when they were called “automatons”), and then, most iconically, 1927s Metropolis. Robots have evolved greatly since those early days, from the singlemindedly evil tin machines of 1950s and 60s sci-fi schlock to the human-seeming androids programmed to kill for good or evil (The Terminator, Robocop) to the more sensitive killer bots who develop a conscience (Terminator 2, Aliens). And what are the Transformers Decepticons and Autobots but a mix of all that came before them, an enormous, CGId mix of metallic might and human personality? Check out this episode of The Yahoo Movie Show for anContinue Reading...

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